

My new friend from King’s College in the UK.

Welcoming our friends from King’s College.

Independence Day Best Dressed Awardees.

Students decorating the tires for the obstacle course.

A gift of equipment from King’s College.

Looking at the finished art/P.E project.

Students decorate tires which will be used in activities.

Mingling with our friends who were visiting from King’s College in the UK.

Relaxing in the bright sunshine.

A visit to the play park.

Fun at Folkstone.

Having a great time in the play park.

Great scenery at Highland.

After a short walk, time to rest.

Making tie-dye outfits.

How the grinch stole our school.

The birthday girl.

Ready for the Easter bonnet parade.

We love our tie-dye outfits.

In our Christmas grotto.

A donation from the Zander Venezia Trust.

A visit to the Logos book ship.

Enjoying the environs.

Our newly renovated school.

Staff and students of food prep.

View from the playground.

Collecting items on a scavenger hunt.

Open chat
Welcome to the Challenor Centre. Feel fee to send us a message.